Tuesday, January 17, 2012

All for a free GU

Today when I was getting my hair done I was chatting with my hair dresser (Patrick) and we were talking about blogging.  I told him that I have a running blog and he asked me why he hasn't been featured on it.  Well this isn't really that type of a blog but I have a great way to feature him on here.  

Last year we were talking about running (as I always do) and we talked about training for half-marathons and which races we were doing.  He signed up for his first half and I was way excited (I get excited about people training and running).  We talked about nutrition and when and how I hydrate and gu, etc.  So on my next visit I brought him one of my favorites (rocktane) to try out on a training run.  However, when race day came he didn't do the race and he didn't want to tell me.  I went into the salon to pick up Todd and saw Patrick there and he hung his head in shame and told me he didn't run.  Since I gave him a gu he owed me a race.  I still remind him of that fact every few months.  

I might be a bit crazy but hopefully I'm not too annoying :)

Today's workout:  spin (lots of endurance hills) and weights.

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