Monday, December 3, 2012

Positive Thinking

On lots of our runs lately we've talked about positive thoughts instead of going to the "ugly place" in your head.  During the UV marathon in June my thoughts were horrible - I was mad at the headwind, I was mad that I walked, I was mad that I missed my goal.  I was so unhappy during and after the race. It didn't matter that I PR's by 10 minutes I was grouchy and it started by mile 10.  That makes for a really loooooooong marathon.

Then at the STG marathon I was so happy the entire run and even when things started to hurt I had positive thoughts about the pain instead of being grouchy and going inside my head to the "ugly place".  This changed everything for me.  I ran and I smiled the whole 26.2 miles.  I was just as strong during both races and had trained hard for both but the experiences were completely different for me.  There is something so powerful about our thoughts and mind over matter. 

Now I just need to remember that on the hard run days.  It's ok when my body is tired and not performing how I want it to - and instead of beating myself up I need to just think happy thoughts and keep moving.

Today's workout: 6.5 miles on the treadmill and 360 fit 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kathy! I always love reading your blog. I was wondering if you would ever consider custom making training plans for others. These last couple years have been doozies and I have lost track of my running goals. I am so out of shape, I put on a lot of weight and am trying to get back, but feeling frustrated and unmotivated. Any thoughts? At the very least maybe we should have lunch1 ;)
