Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Staying fit during the holidays

I'm not good at making diet treats.  I'd rather make the real thing and eat a smaller portion or workout more to eat a full piece.  I know this doesn't work for everyone but I just can't really do diet deserts.  

When I saw this recipe for "Skinny Pumpkin Pie" on pinterest I was intrigued - but like half the stuff on there it went to a broken link.  Oh well I guess I'll just make real pumpkin pie next week.

I try to stay fit over the holidays and a few of the things I do are:

- don't let 1 meal or treat ruin the entire day
- keep working out
- drink extra water
- try to make my non-party meals extra healthy (protein shakes, low cal, etc)
- make people take home the leftovers (especially desserts)
- don't beat myself up and enjoy the holiday

What do you do to combat the holidays?

Today's workout:  spin (after I taught my 45 minute class I just rode the bike for another 40 minutes)


  1. My favorite tradition is going to the gym Thanksgiving morning. I workout extra hard and burn serious calories. It has a two fold purpose: 1. I don't feel guilty about what I eat. 2. I don't want to over indulge since I feel so good from my workout! One year when I went to the gym Thanksgiving morning, it was packed and was hard to get on equipment. It was awesome!

  2. The best diet trick, I think, is working out in the morning - even if that means going at 5 a.m. before work. It's hard to make a habit of it at first, so you really have to motivate yourself to go. It's totally worth it in the end. From an intense cardio burn on the elliptical to doing something simple like a short jump rope routine, working out in the morning really sets the tone for the rest of the day. Also, when I sneak in a yummy treat during the day, I don't feel as bad!

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