Today I was supposed to run 14 miles. For some reason I just wasn't feeling it this morning. I don't know if it was starting at 5:45 am, not sleeping good last night, not drinking enough water yesterday or the steak dinner I ate last night. But it was just a bad run for me. At mile 9 in the loop there was a way to make the run a mile shorter and I turned to the girls and said "I can't do it I'm only going 13". Traci turned to me and said "WHAT???? You never do that. In the 7 years we've run together you have never asked to cut it short." Well - today was my day to cut it short. I honestly didn't have it in me to go 14. My legs were heavy and I was just plain out of steam. The girls were so nice and ran with me (I'm sure deep down they were secretly happy to do 1 less mile).
Some days feel great and others days just don't. I'm glad my not feeling great run was on a training day and not a race day.
Go Kathy! You totally can do it, I just know it!